2 Groups Of People Affected By President Obama's Executive Order

Shortly after the midterm elections, President Obama signed an executive order that drastically changes immigration law in the United States. This law has the ability to protect some illegal immigrants from facing deportation if they are caught. This sounds like excellent news for anyone who has entered the country illegally, but many are concerned that they will put themselves in danger of being deported should they reveal their existence the government.

7 Reasons People Choose Legal Separation Over Divorce

Ending a marriage is a very difficult and personal decision to make. When most people think of a husband and wife "breaking up," they think of the couple getting a divorce. However, many states offer another option for couples who need to separate. This is called legal separation.  One partner simply moving out is not considered legal separation. A legal separation agreement goes through the court, and typically involves a family law attorney like those at the Law Office of Shelli Wright Johnson.

Stepparent Adoptions: Facts You Should Know

In today's world, there are more blended families than ever before. Unfortunately, while society may recognize the role that stepparents can play in a child's life, the law does not automatically recognize this parental role. In fact, in many states, unless the stepparent takes action to legally adopt the child, this stepparent will have little or no rights regarding the child's upbringing. Furthermore, if something was to ever happen to the other parent or the parent and stepparent were to get divorced, the stepparent may find that they have no visitation or custody rights.