What Can You Do Legally If You Suspect Your Child Was Sexually Abused At School?

One of the hardest things a parent has to deal with is finding out their child was abused in some way at school. It can be even harder to find out the child was sexually abused by a teacher or counselor. A parent's first instinct might be to confront the teacher themselves, but that isn't usually the best route. Instead, contact a child sexual abuse lawyer, as they can help lead you through the legal steps you can take to protect your child and get justice. [Read More]

Don't Make Your Will Stand Alone

Everyone understands the importance of having a will but some stop short of creating a comprehensive plan. A will is often a must-have and addresses a lot of important estate issues. Those wishing to complete their estate plans, however, would do well to read below and consider the will only a first step in the estate-planning process. Create Separate Burial Instructions Outside the Will Many people just naturally believe that a will is a perfect location for instructions on dealing with the funeral and burial. [Read More]

Common Blunders That Could Ruin Your Child Custody Lawsuit

Are you going through a divorce, and you are wondering if you'll get the custody of your children? Divorce is usually hard due to emotional turmoil and stress. The personal and emotional issues usually take a toll on many, which can complicate the situation further if nothing is done to resolve the issue amicably. Family lawyers understand this, and that's why they do their best to make sure that their clients are mindful of their actions and remain calm during or after legal proceedings. [Read More]

Want To File For A Patent? 3 Common Questions For Your Lawyer

Do you have a great idea that you want to file but are not sure what the next steps are? You'll want to work with a patent lawyer to get the necessary legal documents files to start the patent process. Here are some questions you may want to ask your patent lawyer. Do You Need A Design Patent? Two different types of patents that you may need to file are a design patent and a utility patent. [Read More]