When the Timing of Bankruptcy and Divorce Filing Matters

If circumstances have led you to contemplate both divorce and bankruptcy, you may be wondering if filing one before the other could have a positive impact on these two negative situations. The answer is yes, timing does matter, so read below for more information about the benefits and pitfalls of filing bankruptcy before, or after, divorce. Debt and Divorce Settlements Who pays what debt is often a major issue in divorce proceedings, but with a chapter 7 discharge, nearly all marital debt can be eliminated, and with it goes a large chunk of divisiveness. [Read More]

Willful And Negligent Fetal Exposure To Environmental Toxins: What It Means Legally For You And Your Baby

What happens when personal injury cases extend beyond you to your unborn child? You will not really know how your child was affected in utero until after he or she is born. At that time, you may pursue an personal injury case on behalf of your child. Your personal injury attorney will have to prove all of the following in order to get any compensation for you and your child. [Read More]

3 Things You Need To Know About Grandparents' Rights To Visitation

Most grandparents love nothing more than to spend quality time with their grandchildren. However, that ability is taken away from so many grandparents. It can happen because of a disagreement between a parent and their adult child, but so often it happens because of discord between the two parents of the grandchildren. The good news is there may be a way for you to get visitation rights awarded by the court - no matter what is going on behind the scenes with the parents. [Read More]

Taking A Closer Look At Common-Law Marriage From A Legal Perspective

For a myriad of reasons, two people often cohabitate without ever seeking a marriage license or legally recognized union. Even though you may not have a document proving that you are married to another person, you may spend every day of your life living as a married couple--living in the same home, sharing financial responsibilities, or even raising your children. Even though from your own personal standpoint this is perfectly your choice, this type of lifestyle can bring about some complications when the two of you go your separate ways. [Read More]