It isn't always necessary to get an attorney after you've been in a car accident, but it's often a good idea to do so. Even if it turns out the lawyer doesn't think you have a case to pursue, you'll at least know you're doing the right thing by accepting the insurance company's settlement. Here are some times when it could be best to call an attorney soon after your accident.
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Changes In Child Custody: What You Need To Know
Divorce is never easy, particularly on the children. When you determine custody, you know where the kids will live, when the children visit the other parent, and other arrangements. However, different life events can cause you to make modifications to your custody arrangements. Keep the following in mind:
Does Living with Someone Have an Impact on Custody?
Whether or not a domestic partner affects your custody will depend on the state you live in.
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What You Can Do If You Need Money Before Receiving Your Car Accident Settlement
After you go through a car accident that leaves you injured, there is a chance you might run short on cash while you are waiting for your settlement to come in. If so, this can put you in a tough position, but there might be ways to get some cash while you wait. Here are three things you should do if you need cash before your settlement arrives from your car accident.
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Getting Out of a Dysfunctional Marriage
Marriage is usually between two people who are in love, but sometimes it happens for other reasons. For instance, some people choose to get married simply because they have a child together and want him or her to grow up with both parents living together. Getting married without any love or romance being involved often leads to conflicts that make living together a nightmare. If you married your spouse for all the wrong reasons and have no desire to remain in the relationship, getting divorced is better than continuously arguing.
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