How To Make A Successful Claim For Whiplash After An Auto Accident

If you have been injured in a vehicle accident, you should be aware of whiplash. Whiplash occurs when the head is jarred forcefully back and forward. You may be entitled to compensation. Here are some tips on filing whiplash injury claims. Learn the Symptoms Whiplash symptoms are usually not obvious after an accident. Some symptoms include headache, dizziness, pain in neck, shoulders, or arms, blurry vision, trouble sleeping, and a reduction in range of motion. [Read More]

Learn How To Fight For Your Security Deposit In Court

Disputes between landlords and tenants are common. Determining who is right in a dispute sometimes requires the two individuals to go to court. One major issue that often ends up in court is a battle over the security deposit. If you rented a property from a landlord that is now refusing to return your security deposit, learn how to take him or her to civil court in an attempt to have the money you are owed returned to you. [Read More]

If Married, You Can Sponsor Your Same-Sex Partner For A Green Card

Thanks to the repeal of Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), if you are in a same-sex marriage with someone with an immigrant visa, you have the right to sponsor them for a green card. This is a huge advancement for same-sex marriage rights, and if you're thinking about sponsoring your same-sex partner, these four questions can help. What if Your State Doesn't Recognize Same-Sex Marriages? Only a handful of states actually recognize same-sex marriages. [Read More]

Prenuptial Agreement: Pop The Question Without Scaring Off Your Fiance

Every married couple hopes for a happily ever after, but it doesn't always work out. No one wants to think about the possibility of divorce before they marry. It seems like you don't have faith in your relationship. Prenuptials protect your best interests. If you think a prenuptial agreement is right for you and leery about bringing it up, here are some tips to discuss the subject of prenuptial agreements: [Read More]