Accusations Of Failure To Wear A PPE Can Affect Your Worker's Compensation Case

When a worker is working under dangerous conditions, he or she might be provided personal protective equipment (PPE) under the guidelines of the OSHA. If you are supplied with PPE and fail to wear it, not only are you at risk of becoming injured, but you may not even be qualified for worker's compensation as a result. Consequences for Not Wearing a PPE For an employer to have your claim denied due to a failure to wear PPE, he or she will need to have documented that you were given repeated warnings to wear the PPE. [Read More]

How An Employment Lawyer Can Help You Deal With Workplace Mistreatment

You deserve to have a non-hostile work environment, but this doesn't always happen. If you have in fact been mistreated at work by your employer, you don't have to just sit back and take this treatment. You can hire an employment lawyer to help you in the following ways.  Gather Evidence If you plan on suing the employer for the abuse they've put you through, then you'll need evidence of the mistreatment taking place. [Read More]

Is A Criminal Defense Lawyer Needed? When To Get A Legal Professional Involved

Doing something illegal can harm your reputation. Being accused of doing something illegal, even if you had nothing to do with it, is just as bad because people will start to question your innocence. The law states that any individual who is arrested for a crime is presumed innocent until their guilt is proven. Whether you were involved in something illegal or not, you will need to hire a criminal defense lawyer if you were just charged with a crime. [Read More]

How Gender Discrimination Law Applies When You Do Not Self-Ascribe To Any Gender

Gender neutrality has created a whole new set of issues for gender discrimination law services. Not ascribing any gender to oneself is within your own right, but when you're discriminated against anyway, your gender discrimination lawyer has to decide how best to approach this case. Here is how gender neutrality affects cases like yours.  Trying to Determine If the Discrimination Was Based on Your Non-Gender or Your Appearance First and foremost, your lawyer has to determine if you experienced discrimination based on your appearance, or based on your proclamation of non-gender. [Read More]