Stepparent Adoptions: What You Should Know

If you are a stepparent and are hoping to adopt your stepchild, it is most likely not a complicated process. This is often easier than regular adoption, since you don't need to go through the home study and other steps in the process might be waived by the courts. In most cases, you don't need much more than consent from the biological parent. Here is more information about what you need to do to adopt your stepchild. [Read More]

4 Important Actions When You Believe Your Ex Has Alcohol Issues

If you believe your ex-spouse has developed a problem with alcohol, you're probably worried about your children when they stay there. Even if the kids are only with this parent one night a week or every other weekend, this is still cause for concern. Take some important actions that will help you determine whether your former partner actually has become chemically dependent and how to protect your children if this is the case. [Read More]

Look Deeper Into Future Needs Before Settlement Signature

Being offered a settlement for your injuries is an amazing step forward, but it may not represent all of the potential benefits that could come from fighting a little harder for what you deserve. Your legal opponent is often looking after his or her own benefits, which may mean paying you off with a tempting lump sum to distract you from a much bigger, long-term compensation solution. Before signing anything, consult with a personal injury lawyer and consider a few negotiation angles to protect your future financial needs. [Read More]

What You Should Do Before You File A Personal Injury Claim

If possible, you should try to get as much information you can after you've been in an accident where you have been injured. The information will be useful if you intend to file a personal injury claim against another person, insurance company, or business. Here are the types of information you should collect. Document Scene Whether you are involved in a slip and fall accident or a car crash, you will want to document the accident as best as you can. [Read More]