Uncover The Truth: How To Tell If Someone Is Being Unfaithful

If you have a feeling that your partner is being unfaithful, express your concerns and ask. If you feel that they are being less-than honest with you, it may fall to you to uncover the truth. Relationships that lack trust and honesty are doomed to fail, so it is better to find out sooner rather than later. Some signs that should make you suspicious of infidelity include the following. A lack of interest in sex. [Read More]

Are You A Motorcycle Owner? Here Are Safety Tips You Need To Know

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there were 4,957 motorcycle deaths in the United States in 2012, which is an increase from 2011, when there were 4,630 deaths. As for motorcycle injuries, there were 93,000 in 2012 and 81,000 in 2011. Motorcycles are no doubt a blast to ride and are also fuel-efficient, but there are also more risks involved than operating a car. If you are motorcycle owner, there are some safety tips you need to know in order to stay safe while riding the open road. [Read More]

8 Ways To Survive Divorce Court

If you are divorcing, being able to get along well enough with your spouse to work out at least some issues ahead of time is ideal. Divorce, however, is seldom that simple and the issue that surrounds divorce, including child custody, support and visitation, property and debt division and more, are often contentious and emotionally-charged. When divorce court becomes inevitable, you can take action to help ensure that the process goes as smoothly as possible. [Read More]

Barn Injuries And Workers' Compensation Claims

Working with horses can be exciting, but it can also be dangerous at times. Injuries are common around the barn, so understanding the process for filing a workers' compensation claim is essential when you work in the equine industry. Here are three tips you can use to ensure your horse-related work injuries don't cause you undue financial strain in the future. 1. Make sure that you file your claim as quickly as possible once an injury is sustained. [Read More]